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A lucid dream is usually defined as a dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming. Once you become aware that you are dreaming, you can do anything imaginable. Uses of lucid dreaming include confronting fears, problem solving and just having fun.

Some people have lucid dreams without any effort. Most people have had them in their childhood. However for most adults some active participation is required in order to experience lucid dreams with any regularity.


In early ages, lucid dreams were usually dealt with a lot of mysticism, and were usually associated with divine revelations. Actually, indian shamans wouldbe recognised by them having a lucid dream, as it was associated with the spiritual world. Further on, Tibetan Buddhists were practising a form of yoga responsible for making a person stay conscious while dreaming. The first person to use the term "lucid dreaming" was the psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden, describing them as when someone would have the insight of being dreaming.

Induction methods

There are several methods to induce a lucid dream. Primarily, they can be divided into two categories.

From dreaming state

These techniques are only applicable for becomeing lucid when you are already dreaming. It consists of recognising the dream state by reality check.

The most known techniques on this section are:

From wakeful state

These techniques will lead to a luciddream directly from the waking state. They mostly consists of staying conscious until the dream starts. They are harder to master, but worth it, as you can then induce a lucid dream at will.

The most known techniques on this section are:

Aid techniques

These techniques do not belong to any particular section, and work only as an "aid" for other techniques. they can be combined with other techniques for better results, or just performed alone.

The most known techniques on this section are:

Lucid dreams in popular culture

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